Joe Biden's Integrity Restored (Yahoo)
Joe promised (and 99.9% [We're obviously estimating here] of the legacy media assured us) numerous times he would NOT pardon his son Hunter, but Yahoo says "Biden did make his 'long-promised' trip to Africa" - right after pardoning Hunter.
And everyone said "no one is above the law". I think these clips were of comments regarding Donald Trump and not Joe or Hunter Biden.
Note: Don't forget - my friend says - "Trump is MEAN."
This is an interesting article for several reasons.
1) I know people affected by this situation,
2) the problem caused by legalizing marijuana was not limited to the alleged health consequences of using marijuana, and
3) it shows that even "legalizing" something doesn't mean people are free...or more free. Here, the post-legislation bureaucracy created potentially a worse problem by jeopardizing citizens' livelihoods.
(The conclusion to be drawn is that enacting laws - regarding specific acts or choices or goods - beyond the already broadly stated mandates of the U. S. Constitution is virtually always actually unconstitutional and destructive.)
Seat belt laws don't save people. People using seat belts do.
Gun laws don't protect people. People safely using guns protect (i.e. don't kill) people.)
Laws are an impotent tool when people are free. People who would choose to do something that might harm themselves or others will likely disregard laws intended to protect.
U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals | Case: 24-60395
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Published Opinion in Case 24-60395
DECISION - No ballots can be cast after the federal election day
"Congress statutorily designated a singular “day for the election” of members of Congress and the appointment of presidential electors. Text, precedent, and historical practice confirm this “day for the election” is the day by which ballots must be both cast by voters and received by state officials. Because Mississippi’s statute allows ballot receipt up to five days after the election day, it is preempted by federal law. We reverse the district court’s contrary judgment and remand for further proceedings."
In concluding the decision the court writes "As Justice Kavanaugh recently emphasized: ...“A deadline is not un-constitutional merely because of voters’ own failures to take timely steps to ensure their franchise."
"...federal law does not permit the State of Mississippi to extend the period for voting by one day, five days, or 100 days. The State’s contrary law is preempted."
This is the rational decision (i.e. a good and right judgment). Federal laws must reasonably govern federal elections. The States and their subdivisions (counties, cities, borroughs, etc.) cannot be prohibited from setting rules for their elections as provided for in their charters similarly to the U.S. Constitution. If a state wants to change the deadline for it's own elections then they have that right. The easiest way to manage an election is to mimic the federal election rules, but a state can't manipulate federal election rules.
To allow any State the ability to change any rules pertinent to a federal election - even beside date related rules - creates a privileged class of citizens and violates the freedoms and rights of citizens of other states.
Obscure Israel - Tourism in Israel's Wilderness
A tourist's blog post about Mitzpe Ramon, Israel.
Find Mitzpe Ramon on a map:
Interesting Analysis of U.S. Budget
Question of the Day | 240912
U.S. Gives (Donates?) $1,300 Million Dollars To Egypt
Okay. The first hundred of you, please raise your hand if you want to send $1.3 BILLION dollars to Egypt.
And how much of that pile of money do you think will be returned to politicians to hold their seat of power in Washington, D.C.?
Observation of the Day | 240828
X (Twitter) post: Democratic leader telling the truth about his willingness to deceive.
See what you're looking at...
Observation of the Day | 240827
ICE loses track of 300,000 undocumented Children Telegram founder hit with 12 criminal Charges |
Those two article links appeared like this on a news site I use. Struck me as worthy of consideration. Pray with me for the children please?
Tweet: Who Should Homeschool?

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